Horn of Africa Evangelical Mission
Our first duty is to serve those who are last to hear the Gospel. We mobilize, train, and send missionaries in the Horn of Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Sharing the Gospel with the last to hear the Good News of Jesus
Horn of Africa (USA) was established in 2002, with the vision of equipping and mobilizing people and resources, to provide an explosion of culture-affirming churches in some of the most difficult places in the Horn of Africa and beyond.
Together, with the global support of a passionate and philanthropic community, we work with indigenous leaders to alleviate extreme poverty through free medical care, critical construction projects, community health development, child sponsorships for children affected by HIV/AIDS, and women’s empowerment initiatives, thus helping create long-lasting change.
To learn more, watch the videos on this page and contact us for more information.
Sustaining Church Planters—Spreading the Gospel
Onions! Land! And a faithful voice speaking the message of Jesus! Pastor Ermias and his family have begun the process of using their new business as a mission field. In the past, Horn of Africa has financially provided for 300 church planters to preach the gospel to the unreached. Over the past two years, we have been slowly moving these pastors to a self-sustaining model. Listen to Pastor Ermias share his story.
Committed Leaders Expanding the Vision
Welcome Welela Yadeta, new Horn of Africa Mission Engagers (HO-ME) director, and Tariku Kersima, now African Director. It is their vision to see Ethiopia and the whole continent of Africa become a mission force that sends workers everywhere.
Highlights and Backyard Hosting
We gathered a few friends this week for pizza and stories from the field. Join us as we wrap up this week with a brief story and encouragement!
Muslim Background Believers—Now Fishermen
Introducing Abdi and Kawser, Muslim background believers who are now preaching the gospel through TV to their people. Stationed in the Horn of Africa, they are able to reach S-malis worldwide through social media and TV. We are honored to work with them and pray for them.
Baptism—Jesus Brings Freedom
Join us for the baptism of over 100 people on the Awash River during Dr. Markos Zemede’s recent trip to Ethiopia. Lives have been changed from bondage to freedom in Christ, and many are becoming followers of the Lord Jesus.
Traveling With Fishermen
Jesus has called us to be fishers of men and disciplers of nations. Here, in Central Ethiopia, our brothers and sisters are doing just that.
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
Workers are Being Sent Out from Southern Ethiopia
Watch as one Ethiopian Community experiences the power of Jesus Christ working to transform and heal for the first time. Nearby, others are being trained as cross-cultural missionaries to go into every nation.
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation…” Isaiah 52:7
Transformations are Happening Right Now
Watch the video and see for yourself. Hear what is happening in this Ethiopian community that used to be surrounded by witchcraft and bondage.
Workers in this village are seeing people in darkness brought to forgiveness, salvation, baptism, and true light. God has brought true freedom and joy among His people.