My name is Getahun. I live with my wife and seven children in the Ashei area of the Atilo district. I have been Horn of Africa’s Mission Coordinator for unreached people groups here in western Ethiopia for 14 years. My work keeps me busy, spending up to three weeks a month evangelizing and planting churches. My wife has been a powerful prayer warrior and support to me, taking charge of our family farm and raising our children.
I grew up in the Orthodox church and served as a deacon. I became a born-again Christian while reading the Bible and ministering to believers within Orthodox churches. After my conversion, I embarked on a mission to spread the gospel to various Orthodox churches until I was excommunicated from the Orthodoxy.
Since then, I have been engaged in church planting and discipleship in seven of the eleven districts of Kelam Welega. In 20 years my team and I have seen 80 churches planted and grown. Our team focuses on recruiting, empowering, equipping, and multiplying leaders. I also help mobilize local churches to reach unreached people in their local communities.
During my initial years of mission work, I walked up to 13 hours to spread the good news in remote villages inaccessible to any kind of vehicle. Later a gravel road was constructed, reducing the challenges. Glory to God, about five years ago I received a motorcycle which has been a huge blessing and aid to my ministry.
Community Life in Kelam Welega
The main job in the Kelam Welega community is farming. People cultivate a variety of crops including coffee, maize, sorghum, and pepper. My family farms as well. Some in the community engage in animal husbandry while others manage small businesses.
About 50% of the populated area are Orthodox Christians and the other 30% are Protestants. The remaining 20% of the population are Muslims, most of them displaced from Eastern Ethiopia.
I am part of a local church with 800 members, and my wife serves on the prayer team. My team and I planted this church 21 years ago.
The most difficult parts of outreach here come from the strain imposed by the poor infrastructure. It is challenging to reach people as they struggle with business and farm complications.
Pray for Me
- Pray for peace, security as well as unity in the Kelam Wolega community
- Pray for security and God’s provision for my family
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