Karen Schagunn has been a board member with Horn of Africa Mission since February 2022 and currently resides in Florida with her husband Bruce.
Karen’s interest in missions grew from her experience while growing up in Europe, which expanded her knowledge and interest in cultures other than her own. Karen attended the University of Georgia and obtained her B.S. in Math and Science and B.A. in French, and then continued with her M.Ed. in Math and Science from Georgia State. She has taught for 30 years in high school and college, and during her time was awarded Teacher of the Year and Educator of Distinction. Teaching, mentoring, and discipling is her lifelong passion.
Karen completed mission training through Perspectives on the World Christian Movement in 2011 and received her certificate. From there she served as a Women’s Director for an inner city, cross-cultural church for six years. During this time she became a Perspectives instructor (2013-present) and has also assisted in coordinating the class each year. She has also written a book published in 2019 titled “Indestructible Daughters”, where each chapter empowers women to do missions and fulfill their calling in life.
Karen and her husband Bruce have one son, Jason, his wife Katie, and two grandchildren, Allyson and Grayson. Both Karen and Bruce have a burden for the people of Ethiopia and HOAM. They have traveled overseas several times sharing the gospel in different countries throughout the Horn. Karen and Bruce have many Ethiopian friends in HOAM and such a love for the people. They have worked across Europe and the Middle East as well. Having supported HOAM since 2011, they have both seen and experienced the anointing that is on this ministry.