
Amharic Missions Book
Jesus’ Ambassadors
By Dr. Markos Zemede
“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” John 20:21
This work by Dr. Markos is a mission handbook. Based on the Biblical truth, it challenges the reader that mission should be the lifestyle of all believers. Drawing practical examples of servants across the ages, it gives us pieces of evidence that living for the mission of God is not only a mandate and opportunity, but also a pathway to the greatest fulfillment in life.
Bringing his day-to-day mission experiences at workplaces, on the highways and byways, as well as on the various mission fields he has carried and participated in, Dr. Markos persuades his readers to look inward and seek transformation in the right way.
Leukan calls upon the faithful and the church today to be back on track reaching the unreached and living the mission of God. It also gives a step by step road map on who, why, how, where, and when to engage in mission challenging us to be back on the mission pathway.
One needs to read Leukan if they desire to embrace the vision of God and assume the journey to the glorious destination that God envisions through their missional life.

People Groups of Ethiopia
We offer you these slides for use in gatherings or media as you invite others to pray with us.