Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

July was a month of celebrations. In mid July, Perspectives, the course God used to birth Horn of Africa Mission, celebrated its 50th anniversary in Chicago. A week later, the Ethiopian Evangelical Churches Fellowship of North America celebrated its 50th anniversary...

Raised to Life!

A.S. is in his thirties from one of the West African nations. He was born and raised in a prominent Muslim family where his father was the fourth most powerful leader in their religion in his country. A.S. never heard about “Christians” until he was about 15 years of...

Breakthrough in the Negede Selam Community

  Dear Friends, Thank you for joining us in prayer and ministry to the Negede Selam. They are a small unreached people group in Northern Ethiopia of around 2,200. Historically they were hippopotamus farmers and leather workers, which has given them a poor name...

The Harvest is Plentiful, But the Workers Are Few

Do you have a prayer request that has not been answered yet? How long have you been waiting to receive an answer from the Lord for that request? I believe the longest yet to be answered prayer request is the one our Lord Jesus asked us to pray 2,000 years ago,...